Can You Put Flooring Directly On Concrete?


Can You Put Flooring Directly On Concrete?

When it comes to home renovation or constructing a new building, one of the key questions that many people ponder is whether they can install flooring directly on a concrete surface. The answer isn’t as straightforward as a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It depends on various factors like the type of flooring, the condition of the concrete, and the climate.

Why the Type of Flooring Matters

Firstly, the choice of flooring is a major determinant. For example, ceramic tiles and specific varieties of engineered wood are relatively flexible and can often be installed directly onto concrete without many issues. However, other materials such as solid hardwood may need extra steps due to their susceptibility to moisture and temperature changes. So, it’s essential to consider the material specifications when contemplating direct installation on concrete.

Specific Material Guidelines

Different flooring manufacturers offer distinct recommendations and installation guides. For instance, while some vinyl plank flooring might be okay for direct installation, others may require a moisture barrier or underlayment. Therefore, always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your selected flooring material to determine its compatibility with a concrete surface. Failure to do so could void warranties and lead to unnecessary complications down the line.

Condition of the Concrete

The next critical factor is the state of the concrete itself. If it’s a newly poured concrete floor, it will need adequate time to cure, which could take up to 60 days. For older concrete floors, it’s crucial to check for moisture levels, cracks, and levelness.

Moisture Tests

Moisture is a notorious problem with concrete surfaces. A simple yet effective moisture test involves taping a plastic sheet to a section of the concrete floor and waiting for 24 to 48 hours. If condensation appears under the plastic, then the concrete is too damp for direct flooring installation. High moisture levels can lead to a host of issues like warping, mould, and flooring detachment.

Prepping the Surface

Once you’ve ascertained that the moisture levels are acceptable, surface preparation is the next step. Thorough cleaning is essential to remove dust, grease, and other contaminants. Additionally, any cracks or bumps should be dealt with by either filling them in or sanding the surface. In some cases, a layer of primer or sealer can improve adhesion and offer additional moisture protection.

Climate Considerations

Local climate plays a big role too. Concrete can expand in hot temperatures and contract when it gets cold, affecting the flooring material over time. If you live in a region with extreme temperature shifts, a subfloor or additional insulation might be necessary to protect your flooring.

Seasonal Installation

Some experts recommend installing flooring during moderate weather conditions. This can help minimise the extent to which the concrete base and the flooring material will expand or contract after installation, thereby extending the lifespan of your flooring.

Pros and Cons of Direct Installation

  1. Cost-Effective: Eliminating the need for a subfloor cuts down costs.
  2. Thermal Benefits: Concrete’s natural insulation properties can moderate your indoor temperature.
  3. Ease of Installation: A simpler, faster process due to fewer layers involved.
  1. Moisture Risks: Higher likelihood of moisture-related issues.
  2. Comfort: Less cushioning underfoot, leading to a firmer walking surface.
  3. Aesthetic Limitations: Limited selection of materials suitable for direct installation.

Tips for Successful Installation

For a successful direct installation on concrete, remember these key points:

  • Consult Professionals: A consultation with flooring experts can save you from costly mistakes.
  • Do Your Tests: Conduct all essential tests; these are not steps where corners should be cut.
  • Follow Manufacturer Guidelines: Keep your flooring warranty valid by adhering to manufacturer specifications.


Installing flooring directly on concrete is an option worth considering, but it requires thorough planning and expert advice. By taking into account the material type, conducting proper tests on the concrete, and considering the local climate, you’re well on your way to making an educated decision. Weighing the pros and cons and adhering to best practices will ensure that your flooring not only looks great but also stands the test of time.