Author: Kristofer Rowe

Vinyl flooring is a popular choice for homes and businesses alike, offering a stylish and affordable alternative to traditional materials like hardwood or tile. However, a common concern regarding vinyl flooring is its potential for slipperiness. This can be a safety hazard, especially in areas...

Vinyl flooring is a popular choice for homeowners due to its versatility, durability, and ease of maintenance. But with a wide range of products available, a common question arises: is vinyl flooring expensive? The answer, like most things in life, is not a simple yes or...

Flooring is a significant investment that sets the tone for your entire living space. It impacts aesthetics, durability, and functionality. When it comes to popular options, tile and vinyl flooring reign supreme. But choosing between them can be a head-scratcher. Both boast distinct advantages and...

Your carpet endures the daily hustle and bustle of life. From playful puppy paws to muddy boots, spilled drinks to energetic dance routines, it faces a constant barrage of wear and tear. So, choosing the hardest wearing carpets isn't just about aesthetics, it's an investment...

Keeping your home clean and presentable can feel like a constant battle, especially when it comes to high-traffic areas like carpets. Dust, dirt, and grime seem to have a knack for finding even the most meticulously vacuumed fibres, leaving you constantly on the lookout for...

Choosing the right carpet for your home can feel like navigating a labyrinth of textures, colours, and promises of longevity. But with so many options vying for your attention, a crucial question emerges: which carpet lasts longest? Understanding the factors that influence carpet lifespan empowers you...

Living rooms are havens for cozy nights in, playful afternoons, and boisterous gatherings. But beneath the laughter and warmth lies a silent warrior – the carpet. It endures countless footsteps, spills, and furniture reconfigurations, all while striving to maintain its pristine texture. So, when it...

As an investor, balancing affordability with quality when choosing flooring for your investment property is paramount. You want something durable, easy to maintain, and budget-friendly to attract responsible tenants and maximise your long-term return on investment. But navigating the vast array of cheap flooring options...

For most of us, carpet is synonymous with cozy comfort and warmth. But step beyond the surface, and you'll discover a surprisingly complex world of textures, styles, and functionalities. At its core, the story of carpet unfolds through three distinct types: cut pile, loop pile,...

Walking into a rental property with pristine carpets only to find them marred by stains at the end of the tenancy can be a frustrating experience for both landlords and tenants. The question then arises: are these stains considered fair wear and tear, or are...